Android Wear Can Converse in 44 Languages Without Taking the Phone

Huge news for the Android Wear smartwatches: Google Translate comes with the next update of the operating system. What does it mean? Just what you’re thinking, your watch will become an automatic translator and can keep conversations bilingual flick of the wrist.
How does it work?
Watch the microphone. Once you configure both languages, Google Translate recognizes which one you’re talking and translates simultaneously. No need to remove the phone from the pocket and, indeed, the mobile is not necessary at all if you are connected to a WiFi network. Thus, both the user as the interlocutor clock and automatic translation. Although Google Translate works in 90 languages if you use it in text format only understands 44 language but in general it will be enough to make yourself understood anywhere in the world.
New interactive Watchfaces
Along with the latest Android Wear update includes support for installing interactive watchfaces, who come to give some life to the sphere of our SmartWatch. Now with a touch directly on the “front” of the clock we can get, for example, information on the time or Abir an application. Google has introduced three, which put on the left is called. Lets you interact with other users of Android Wear sending a photo or a smiley in real time. You can see the other two areas, Bits and Under Armour in the official post from Google.
The Android Wear 1.3 update that includes Google Translate and new watchfaces be available in the coming weeks.
All watches with the latest android wear will now installed Google Translate, functional even when they are not near a mobile. This was explained in his blog, which Google reported that 44 languages are available in the wrist, making it possible to translate what we are talking without removing the phone from his pocket.
To function version of Google Translate for watch need to be connected to a WiFi network, but note that it is not necessary to have it installed on mobile. It will not be necessary to indicate the language you are speaking, as you will recognize automatically, which I appreciate, because in a natural conversation there is not much time to “Settings”.
Just today also introduced the “interactive expensive” in android wear, something which will alter the aesthetics of the clock with one click and open information specific applications without much effort.
Via theverge
Android Wear