4 Recent Apps in Apple Watch (WatchOS 2.0 Ready)

Source: www.theinquirer.net

Apple has announced the latest update about their Apple Watch. Besides appear attractive with the new luxurious strap from Hermes and WatchOS 2.0 operating system, Apple Watch also comes with a series of the latest applications.

The first application being introduced is Facebook Messenger. Yes, now Apple Watch users are able to chat with their Facebook friends without having to open an iPhone or iPad. The interface is as simple as possible in order to allow users to send messages.

Furthermore iTranslate. As the name implies, this application allows users to translate the language simply by talking in front of the mic embedded in Apple Watch. There are at least 90 languages ​​are available in the application.

Apple seems to understand the development trend of action camera is being favored. Therefore, Apple also presents the GoPro applications on their smart watches. In addition to acting as the second screen, you can control GoPro via the Apple Watch.

The latter application is Airstrip. Quoted from the Mirror, Friday, September 11, 2015, named Airstrip, because this application allows users to monitor heart rate, even in babies still in the womb.


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