Huawei Watch Review, The Best Looking Android Wear Watches on The Market

I think it’s one of the best looking Android Wear watches on the market. This is the Huawei Watch. The packaging looks good like more traditional watch than like a phone box. It’s square and its large and got them soft touch feel to it go in and pull this off.

There’s a lot of talk about the smartwatch and again this looks like more of a typical watch boxing than an electronics box. Then trying to go for taking this opens up, we are presented with the Huawei Watch.

It start from $350, the stainless steel version can be priced at $350 but he opted for leather strap while the middle braces are bring options for $400. You can choose a black hooded strap. It looks really nice. For the metal band for $450. Also the for the steel plate with Rube Gold price at $ 700.

This smartwatch has timeless design. It looks nice. You will got some guide books. From here you will get so much product information from getting started guide, we’ve gotten the charge. When you want to charge, you just plug in adaptor and drop of the puck and you’re good to go.

Lets going to watch on. It is start with Huawei logo on the screen. The screen is made of two-layer sapphire crystal so it should be relatively scratch-resistant obviously not scratch proof but if you are up against the wall or table you should be pretty good. It has 42 millimeters which is the size of a large Apple Watch, a little bit thicker 11.3 vs
10.5. This smartwatch will work with iOS as well as Android.

It is like a traditional watch, I think. You will really like brown frame and legs black interior. Huawei offer several options including stainless steel and genuine leather and it really just want to do your own thing and put your hand on you can stop on any band along with 1800 mm so they made a pretty standard which is really nice little quick release right they’re going to find that out if you watch banding here.

The casing  has gold, silver and black color. The screen is looks really very nice. This circular full screen no flat tire there as a 400 x 400 display resolution. Just same high to any Android Wear device. Huawei Watch has 1.4 inches AMOLED display. It should be really extra sharp. You can have a really high for watches 26 PPI. Huawei Watch using Qualcomm 1.4 Ghz and include 512 megabytes of RAM and 4 GB storage.

The battery is ready for 2 days but I assume that only gonna be the Always On turned off but came to a full day it really all that I would want to. Huawei Watch charge 0 percent to 45 percent in 75 minutes. It has heart rate monitor and the charging dock on the back. It is magnetic.

Thanks to for this great review ! TechnoBuffalo

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