Fixing Error on OS X El Capitan (WiFi, Bluetooth, Mail and Spotlight)

The Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan Operating System updates officially released in two weeks ago. In addition to bringing many new features, unfortunately, it helped bring a number of problems in WiFi, Bluetooth, Mail and Spotlight.

If you are already clicking El Capitan update and have problems that have been mentioned earlier. Here are some ways that can be done to resolve the error.

But before starting, the first thing to do is to open Disk Utility and run Repair Disk Permissions.


If you encounter any problems with the WiFi connection, first try restarting the router or modem to make sure the problem does not come from these devices.

If still not connected, check the settings in the Mac WiFi. Click the WiFi on the menu bar, then select Turn Off WiFi.

Then select Open Network Preferences followed by the Advanced button. We will see a list of WiFi networks that are connected. Select the network and remove the problematic. Furthermore, try to connect it back.


If you experience problems with Bluetooth, try to un-pair first. Then try reconnected.

If it does not work then try to connect it to a Mac using a USB port, and then pull it out. Then turn off the computer and wait five minutes to revive it.

Suppose a way that also does not work, then try to restart the System Management Controller (SMC) and Parameter RAM (Pram).
– Turn off the computer
– Press the Command, Option, P and R. Hold until the gray screen appears.

– Keep hold up the Mac boot for the second time.
– Release the button.

After performing this reset, you must re-configure settings such as timezone, resolution, and speakers.


If the problem is in the Mail application. There are many ways to overcome it. But it all depends on the problem. For example Mail rejects incoming email. Try to reset the mailbox after performing the backup.

When Mail stops at “Optimizing Your Database Mail”, the best option to create offline backups of emails before deleting and re-add the account in the Mail application.

Suppose Mail still will not run, try turning off WiFi and disconnect from the internet. Then open the application Mail> Preferences> Accounts. Disable each account.

Reconnect the Internet connection. Then open the Mail backup, enable the account again one by one. Allow each account to download the complete inbox.


If the Spotlight performance is not optimal, it is possible the database was damaged when upgrading from Yosemite to El Capitan. First, make sure that Spotlight has had enough time to return the index after the update process.

Try to open System Preferences> Spotlight. Then disable and re-enable Spotlight. If still not working, try to open the Search Results tab and see who made the Spotlight indexing.

If the above still does not work, the possibility of a corrupt database and requires re-indexing. Open the Terminal application, run the command mdutil -Ea to remove the index. Then run mdutil -ai off to disable Spotlight.

To activate Spotlight and automatically create a new index, run the command mdutil –ai on.


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