Google combines Android and Chrome OS

google combine android and chrome os

Google currently has two operating systems are being developed, namely the Android and Chrome OS. Google Chrome OS will combine with the Android operating system into a new one. Why did Google choose Android? Because Android proved to be a popular operating system in the world.

The Verge, Friday (30/10/2015), stated that the combination of the Android and Chrome OS was the fastest will be released in 2016. By combining Android and Chrome OS means that Android will also be run on the computer desktop. Certainly it will require a lot of major changes in this merger process. This step taken by Google after Microsoft introduced Continuum features on the operating system Windows 10. With the Continuum features, smartphones with the Windows 10 operating system can also be used as a desktop PC. Users will have the same experience across mobile devices and desktop PC (Personal Computer). Of course it will be easier for the user when interacting with a mobile device or a desktop PC. Users will feel more freedom to be creative and work using a mobile device or a desktop PC, because mobile device operating system with desktop PC operating system will be on same base.

The Verge claimed that Google confirmed the incorporation of Chrome and Android. Preview of the operating system is a combination of the Android and Chrome OS will be demonstrated at the event Google I / O 2016.

“This step was taken to reduce the number of independent platform to be dealt with by Google,” according to a source who did not want their identity disclosed.

For now Chrome OS operating system is installed on a number of Chromebook laptop is known as a good budget-priced laptop. Currently, some Android also supports Chrome, although the numbers are still not many. Google has also introduced a convertible Android laptop last month named Pixel C. Now these laptops also be referred to as the code of the steps to be taken by Google in the future. Thus, by this news we could be interest with the new system operation that builded by Android and Chrome OS.

sugeng riyanto:

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