WhatsApp Provide New Feature in Beta Version for Android

WhatsApp beta for android

WhatsApp Provide New Feature in Beta Version for Android

When the internet was buzzing with the abolition of the case features a “star” in the Twitter app, WhatsApp is testing a feature “Save” on their instant messaging services. This feature has been available in the latest beta version of WhatsApp. In the current beta version, the users can enjoy a new feature that will be made by WhatsApp through its service.

Based on the news from International Business Times on Wednesday, November 4th, 2015, the new beta version of WhatsApp shows the “stars” additional features in WhatsApp. With this feature, users can assign an important message for him.

WhatsApp also has made renewal for iPhone users. Updates include the addition of the Quick Reply feature that lets users respond to messages directly without having to open the WhatsApp application. The Latest WhatsApp beta update has not eradicated the bug, WhatsApp upcoming renewal will bring some new features. One new feature is the users can add an asterisk to a WhatsApp message.

Marking messages in WhatsApp with an asterisk means to mark conversations that are considered important so that you can more easily find it if one day you want to reopen the conversation is marked by the star. How do I mark a message with a star in WhatsApp? It’s easy, simply press the message a few seconds and then selecting the star icon that appears at the top of the message. To open a message that you mark, simply open the “Starred,” The message is saved or marked, will be displayed in full with the icon of the sender and the time the message was sent. If the conversation was included in a group, then the group name WhatsApp information is also to be displayed in full.

Besides the addition of features mark a message with an asterisk, the services were coded 2.12.338 beta version for Android has support for opening PDF and document. Documents in conversation can be seen in the new document in the folder WhatsApp.

As usual, the new beta version is provided by WhatsApp on its official web pages and it is available for the Android operating system. Android smartphone users can download new WhatsApp version via Google Play. After the latest version was officially launched. How is your opinion? Are you interested in the new features in WhatsApp?

Picture source from here

sugeng riyanto:

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