Apple launches Apple Music app in the Google Play Store

For those of you who love listening to music on an Android device, there is a new news from Apple that has launched a homemade app for Android users can enjoy. Apple Inc appears to want to ensure the presence of the Apple Music streaming service can be received on all operating systems (OS), or at least in the popular OS such as Android. The news about the launch of Apple’s Music app on Android has been heard for a long time. Some time ago rumors began about the look of Apple Music for Android. Now, Apple Music has officially launched on Google’s Android. Music on Android Apple service aims to expand its services, thus can increasing profits.
Apple has released an application called Move to iOS which serves to facilitate the transfer of data from Android to new users a new iPhone. Thus, Application Apple Music is not the first application that Apple released for Android devices. Streaming services and download music, radio and communication portals fans to musicians from the Apple Music has been available on Android devices.
Android users can enjoy the Apple Music Beta, access to the music that you have purchased in the iTunes Store also easier on Android devices.
In June, Apple Music only available for Apple devices, including Macs, iPhone, and iPad. But now, Apple has released Apple Music service in the Google Play Store. What do you think? Do you want to try Apple Music Beta on Android devices?
Tech Insider according to a report on Wednesday (11/11/2015).
“With Apple Music subscription service, users can access more than 30 million music in the world”
Apple Music subscription fee is US $ 9.99 per month for one user, or approximately US $ 14.99 per month for six users. Not much different from the Apple Music on your iOS device or Mac computer, prime customers will get 3 months free. You can enjoy the features of My Music, For You, Connect and certainly Beats1 Radio for listening to radio broadcasts exclusively from world renowned artists.
Apple Music Beta for Android still has some feature limitations. Call it the access to video, Family subscription method and mode register are still being developed. Therefore, to get good results and everything is still to be developed in the process towards perfection.
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apple music for android