iOS 9 Low Power Mode

iOS 9 Low Power Mode

The smartphone industry that requires super thin and lightweight design ultimately lead to the producers chose to sacrifice battery features. In order to realize the design of their choosing. Manufacturers also have to use a processor with the latest technology that is a most cost-effective level of energy consumption as well as developing new software features to help users save energy batteries. Battery power requirements on a smartphone are very important, this is the life of the battery power of a smartphone. If your smartphone battery power runs out, then you can not use it before you recharge the batteries. What would you do? If your iPhone is running iOS 9, then you should take advantage of the advantages of the system low-power mode.

For users of the iPhone and iPad, iOS release 9 of Apple now also has a new feature to make the battery last longer. Of course, this is very useful when you are not able to recharge the battery of your iPhone or iPad in the near future. This new feature dubbed as Low Power Mode, and Apple claims that through this feature battery life of the iPhone would be increased to 3 hours, but with a compensation of some of the features will be turned off. Low power mode is an IOS feature 9 which restrict or disable certain features to extend battery power of your iPhone. In particular, some of the sensor phones is switched off, as well as push notifications and background applications are also refreshed. In addition, your iPhone will “sleep” faster and more dim brightness. Processor and network speed was reduced to limit the power consumption of the device.

As has been explained that the Low Power Mode will be able to make the battery last a little longer at the expense of a number of features, among other activities that run in the background, refresh the app in the background, the email must be refreshed manually, as well as a reduction in the intensity of motion and brightness. This mode is currently active then the performance of the processor in the iPhone is also reduced. But you do not need to worry, you will still be able to use it to light applications. If the Low Power Mode is used to play games with heavy graphics or similar applications, the iPhone will be felt operates slightly slower than the normal mode. To optimize Low Power Mode, Apple will display a pop-up toggle activation Low Power Mode automatically every time the battery stay 20%. But if you’re on a long journey, then activate this feature is the best solution that you remain easily accessible at all times.

How to enable this low power mode? Once the battery is only about 20 percent of your iPhone, iOS 9 will ask you whether you want this feature enabled or not. The same question arises again when the battery reaches 10 percent if previously you have not switched to low power mode.

Actually, you do not have to wait for the battery power remaining 20 per cent or 10 per cent to activate this feature. Just follow the simple steps below:

1. Open the Settings
2. Find Battery
3. Enable Low Power Mode

You can follow the step below:

How to activated iOS 9 Low Power Mode

As soon as you flip the slider, the pop-up message will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to activate the low-power mode. The color of the battery indicator will turn yellow, indicating that the low power mode is active. Good luck!

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sugeng riyanto:

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