Facebook At Work Applications Now Available in Android

Facebook at Work on Android

As the one of the most popular social media site in the world, Facebook launches a special application to the office needs. Earlier this year, Facebook At Work has officially launched and is aimed at professionals. This apps can allow employees at a company to communicate with each other in person, so you can take it as a private social network just for your company.

Facebook at Work is a special platform for use in a company. Facebook at Work has features that allow workers to communicate and share documents through a private line. This week, Facebook added new mobile features on this platform. This feature is called Work Chat.

So if there are events when you want to distribute the files to your co-workers, or would like to discuss the topic of work in private, then Facebook At Work would be the right choice for it. Now, the good news is Facebook has launched Facebook At Work applications for mobile platforms.

Facebook At Work  application will allow you to send messages to each other privately, create groups, share photos and videos, make voice calls, and so on. Basically, this application would like Messenger application. Besides these new applications can be used only for Android users only.

As noted by Engadget, Work Chat is an application sender of the message, which is separate from the Facebook Messenger. One of the differences is in the Chat Work, you can only send and receive messages from your coworkers.

Based on the TechCrunch report, at present, this application has been available for Android, while the iOS version reportedly still in the development stage.

Although Facebook at Work is still in beta stage, TechCrunch reported that there are now approximately 300 companies have used this platform every day. Reportedly, when the platform is launched next year, it will use the “freemium” model.

What do you think about Facebook At Work? As reported by TechCrunch, that this application has been available for android users. So, for those of you iOS users to be patient to wait because it is still under construction.

Image via bidnessetc.com

sugeng riyanto:

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