Samsung Gear S2: The Fitness Tracking and Exercising Video Review

Samsung Gear S2: The Fitness Tracking and Exercising Video Review

Samsung Gear S2: The Fitness Tracking and Exercising Video Review

Today, it is gonna be on Samsung Gear S2 review and what it can do as far as fitness tracking and exercise.

Gear S2 Fitness Tracking and Exercise 1Gear S2 Fitness Tracking and Exercise 1

Now I’m gonna take a look at S Health because the Nike one in my opinion isn’t very good. So the Gear S2 works as a normal. You know step counter if you wish. You know as you’re wearing it throughout the day, the Gear keeps tracks your steps. Just keep in mind, it’s a little bit on the conservative side. You’re not going to get as many steps as you would with Fitbit.

Of course, there is exercised tracking where you can go out and pick your exercise and fun stuff. This is when I ran 25 K. The other day you can see, you know the graphs of your speed and your heart rate over time. You do tell it how often you want it to check your heart rate. So that’s kind of cool. Here is like a graph of your heart rate, right here. It doesn’t really show anything else which is kind of puzzling because you could see steps from previous days. I don’t know what’s up with that.

Here’s the settings profile, of course you have your gender, date of birth, height, weight and your preference of miles or kilometers, step target, auto HR which if you settle on frequent go get better or worse battery life. Oh and alert, I really advised to turn off because it can get kind of annoying if you’re exercising. The pop up and kind of mess you up.


This is the exercise that you can see there’s tons of different ones to pick from. I said running and then you can turn location on or off. If you have your phone with you of course you can turn it on. If you have the 3G version you have GPS built-in. As you can see here, I have my phone connected and GPS on, you can see the location blinking that means it hasn’t found your location yet. So if you’re running it’s not going to be accurate. I advice making sure that’s good before you start or just translocation off or run without your phone and you’ll be good to go as well.

Ok, so I think the Gear S2 is accurate enough for my liking. Of course you can pair your Bluetooth headphones with the watch and run free from your phone. It is really cool when you have your phone wired headphones when you’re running. Well, that’s it guys that’s just my quick impressions. It is my review on Gear S2 on exercising and fitness tracking. It is really good smartwatch.

Ok guys, see you later, Bye

Thanks for Jeremy Judkins for making this Great Video

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