iPhone 6S Encryption: The Secure Internet vs Law Policy

iPhone 6S Encryption

iPhone 6S Encryption : The Secure Internet vs Law Policy

The iPhone 6S comes with many upgraded features like the new cameras, new video software, and 3D Touch. The 3D touch feature technology will enable apps to access different functionalities by distinguishing between taps and hard presses. There is also available an iPhone 6S 3D touch games. But, now we are talking about the iPhone 6S Encryption. Apple and Google have provided in the some last years is end-to-end encryption of communications between mobile devices. There is a report from the New York Times that say Federal spies and law enforcement are trying to force the companies to roll back the encryption. But, so far as we know that the companies are stand on the firm case.

This is a statement from the Times report: “In an investigation involving guns and drugs, the Justice Department obtained a court order this summer demanding that Apple turns over in real time text messages between suspects using iPhone.”

This is the Apple’s response: “Its iMessage system was encrypted and the company could not comply.”

The Government officials had warned for months that this type of standoff was inevitable as technology companies like Apple and Google embraced tougher an encryption method. The Times has also reported that the Feds efforts to get Microsoft to turn over data that’s stored on the company servers that placed in Ireland. Then, the company makes an excellent point that if the American government can force access to data stored overseas, then the Chinese, Russian, and Saudi Arabian governments will use that precedent to demand access to information stored on servers in the U.S.

This is an opinion from the Times observes:

“ There is another attack on our civil liberties that we see heating up every day. It is the battle over encryption, ” Timothy D. Cook from the company’s chief executive has been told a conference on electronic privacy at this year. “ We think this is incredibly dangerous.” He also added his next opinion about this case, “If you put a key under the mat for the cops, a burglar can find it, too.” If criminals or countries see or “know there is a key hidden somewhere, they want not stop until they find it,” that is his conclusion for this case.

Well, we need to think that is a big problem for everyone. When the Apple announced its encryption for the FBI Director, James Comey declared that iOS data encryption puts consumers above the law, and the Apple is actively advertising that fact to their consumers. Then what we have got? I think, the law needs to be changed because a secure internet is in the best interests of the peoples freedom. I think, that is all about the iPhone 6S Encryption. Please, let us know your opinion from the comment.

Image via pixabay

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