Nexus 5X Quick Charge and NFC: All Information You Should Know

Nexus 5X Quick Charge and NFC: All Information You Should Know

Well, now we are going to talk about the Nexus 5X quick charge and NFC. First, let’s talk about the Nexus 5X quick charger.

The analogy to envision the battery is like a “bucket,” while the charger as a “hose” that fill the bucket with water. So, you the person holding the hose, are the charge controller. You are the “charge controller” who determine, how much water pressure and volume is allowed through the hose and into the bucket (at this case).

When you give “too much pressure” and it sprays all over the place, without much water staying in the bucket (battery). If you give “too little pressure,” it will slowly fill the bucket. Thus, you need to monitor what the bucket can accept, and adjust the flow accordingly as it fills. Let say that, the Charging batteries mechanism works the same way. (except instead of water its electricity, measured in volts, watts, and amps).

Not Qualcomm Quick Charge or even VOOC Flash Charge

The concept behind quick-charging is fairly simple. The technology enables charging at multiple rates, syncing, and also scaling amperage and voltage between the charger and the device being charged to allow for a lot of power to enter quickly into the battery (only when the battery technology is able to receive it). The quick charge feature that comes on the Nexus 5X does not use Qualcomm’s or even OPPO’s quick charge technologies.

It is not the USB 3 (Next up is USB 3.x.)

Of course, the USB 3.x offers faster charging than the USB 2.1. The Nexus 5X only support USB 2.1, even though the Nexus 5X have that USB Type-C charging port. The USB 3 (the microUSB Type-B connector) looks like the one illustrated above, with a standard microUSB connector married to another connector. What’s the reason for this configuration? That was to allow the “regular” microUSB Type-B cables to work with the devices (Nexus 5X), although without any of the benefits of the USB 3.x like the faster charging and faster data transfer features. The type of USB 3 connector has been seen on a few phones to date. Despite its (USB 3.x) extra bulk and less-flexible cable here, but it worked great on the devices that have the USB 3.x inside.

The USB Type-C

USB Type-C connectors are reversible (there is no more upside-down or right side-up). The USB Type-C to USB Type-C cables are reversible end-to-end as well. This type of cable is compatible with the full USB 3.1 feature set and also has a distinct advantage over other types of USB, namely its power delivery capabilities.

The USB Type-C allows for some of the same charging characteristics of Qualcomm’s Quick Charge and OPPO’s VOOC. That is how the Nexus 5X can boost “up to 3.8 hours of use” from only 10 minutes of battery charging. That is all about the Nexus quick charging, let’s go to the Nexus 5X NFC.

What is the NFC?

The NFC technology feature will allow (enabled) a smartphone as a payment device, multiplayer games, or share music, photos and documents with work in more efficient way. NFC stands for Near Field Communication, is essentially creating a communication between two devices that in Near distance (several centimeters). The next question is, what the differences between NFC and Bluetooth? NFC can only communicate at a shorter distance than Bluetooth, which is in the range of less than about 10cm. While Bluetooth can still work in the distances up to 10m.

LG as the phone maker, has wrapped the NFC coil around the rear-facing camera sensor of the Nexus 5X. Through Google’s testing of the NFC coils for payments, Google states they not only tested it for payments at retailers with Android Pay. They have also tested the NFC quite thoroughly for peer-to-peer transfers as well as reader mode. Thus, if you are using the NFC quite often for sending things to other devices by tapping the NFC sections (the transfer should happen quite smoothly).

NFC for a Payment

The most impressive thing is NFC will enable a smartphone serves as a means of payment. If you’ve seen the science fiction film that tells about the future, you will see that all activities can be done wirelessly.

It also is trying pioneered by the NFC for contactless payment instrument or do not have to contact the exchange of sensitive information such as credit card numbers or the physical presence of credit card used.

With the NFC, you do not need to carry a wallet or credit card to shop physically quite bring your smartphone that has NFC functionality. The applications such as Google Wallet from Google and its supporting components such as PayPass from MasterCard has been widely used in countries of Europe and India.

This encourages merchants to provide supporting infrastructure for payments via NFC-called “Tag” or some sort of device that has a reader for NFC technology.

Google Wallet is a virtual wallet that can be filled with your credit card information that can then be used at merchants that accept MasterCard PayPass. By using this system, your credit card number will not be known by the merchant when making a transaction. In a nutshell you like to have Paypal which can be used in “offline” stores.

Well, that is all about the Nexus 5X Quick Charge and NFC. The Nexus 5X comes with many advantages, not only the Quick Charge and the NFC technology. Please, let us know your experiences with the Nexus 5X via comment. Thank you.

See All Information about Nexus 5X You Should Know :

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