Nexus 5X Insurance: A New Insurance Plan that Called The Nexus Protect

Nexus 5X Insurance A New Insurance Plan that Called The Nexus Protect

During the Google Nexus press event in September 2015, the company was announced that owners of the Nexus 5X will possibly get a new insurance plan that called the “Nexus Protect”. Nexus Protect was launched since September 29 (in the United States). However, there is no information from Google about the plan will be launched in other markets in near future. Have you ever heard about the Nexus 5X insurance? You should be familiar with this pretty news.

As we know that the new smartphones are “pretty expensive” these days, then, getting an extra insurance to cover the smartphone is the best way to get an extra protection.

So, Google is here to help you who picks up a new Nexus 5X with the insurance plan. You can pony up a one-time fee that adds a “two-year insurance plan” that will cover accidental damage and (or) a mechanical breakdown. The claims will be available for you in a week, this, should be a nice addition for you who want to get an extra protection for your 5X.

There are many problem issues about the Nexus 5X such as the yellow screen, or the battery problems, and also the others problem issue. We have never known everything that could happen tomorrow, include what will happen to you and your Nexus 5X. Then, it should be better for you to get the Nexus protect.

Nexus Protect is an additional service from Google that will cover your Nexus devices (include Nexus 5X). It will offer two years of coverage against mechanical breakdown and accidental damage. Nexus Protect will cost $69 for the Nexus 5X and the claim for a replacement device will cost $79. There is a good news again, you will be able to make “two claims” in the two-year period from when you bought your phone with insurance. No matter where it goes, what carrier it’s on or even if it’s sold to someone else, Nexus Protect is always tied to your Nexus 5X.

Another way, if you are not interested with the Nexus Protect, you should Protect your Nexus 5X on your own way. For example, you can get some additional cases. There are many additional cases for the Nexus 5X, but we have 8 awesome Nexus 5X case review for you. You can also get the waterproof case, it will hep you to protect your device from the water. There is also available some Nexus 5X armband for you if want to bring your Nexus at your outdoor activities, especially at your sports activity.

Well, that is all about the Nexus 5X insurance. Please let us know your opinion about the insurance via the comment field. Thank you.

sugeng riyanto:

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