3 Important Tips to Securing Fingerprint Sensor in The Smartphone Device

3 Important Tips to Securing Fingerprint Sensor in The Smartphone Device

The vendor claims that the bio metric sensor improves the user experience and the security of mobile devices. But that does not mean it does not have the technological gap to be cracked.

This is why you can not fully believe in the promises of the marketing from the popular vendors. If you have a smartphone with a fingerprint sensor built-in, here are the three tips from Kaspersky to secure a mobile phone with fingerprint sensor :

1. Although you are promised by the vendor that your device is safe, never use a fingerprint scanner to authenticate to PayPal and other financial services. It’s not safe.

While this may be a smartphone in your hands, but who knows later if your smartphone is stolen. A thief can easily copy your fingerprint directly from the surface of the smartphone and use it to buy something.

2. Usually people choose the index finger or thumb as their biometric login with reasons of convenience, but it is not true, because this finger is the finger that is most often we use with smartphones.

That is why it is very possible to find a second intact finger print on any smartphone and make fake copies to break through the protection of your device – especially with many manual to do things like this on the Internet.
So it is better to use the little finger or ring finger on your left hand for the right hand people and vice versa for the left-handed people.

3. A fingerprint scanner is not enough to protect your personal data. If you care about privacy, consider using specialized applications. For example, Kaspersky Internet Security for Android which has the function of Anti-Theft and Personal Contacts.

Both of these functions can help you keep track of the phone if being stolen, you can remotely wipe all data from the device or hide the history of text messages and contact lists from the thieves.

In general, the fingerprint scanner is a great innovation. It has more advantages, rather than danger. But do not be too overly dependent on it. Using the new technology wisely and do not neglect the other security measures.


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