4 WhatsApp Hidden Features that You Should Know

4 WhatsApp Hidden Features that You Should Know
WhatsApp is one of the messaging services application that has a lot of users. The Facebook’s messaging service now has a variety of features that users can use, but there are some hidden features that might not widely known or used.
The features that exist in the WhatsApp application essence can be fully utilized, but not many users are aware of the benefits of those features. This is the hidden features of WhatsApp, we quote from Makeuseof website, Thursday (01/21/2016).
1. The “Star”
WhatsApp has recently issued a new feature that is described in the form of stars, which is located at the top of the chat. Not many people know about the function. This feature serves to store chat were that deemed essential. When someone sends an important message in WhatsApp, then it can be stored.
2. Backup Chat to the Cloud Service
WhatsApp also provide cloud or cloud storage services through Google Drive, so if you want to replace your phone or lose your phone, do not have to bother to pull the previous chat because the chat is already stored in Google Drive.
3. Easily to Remove Chat History
If the chat has been backed up, would not be a problem if the old chat removed. There is an easy way to remove the old chat on WhatsApp, Go to Menu> Settings> Calls and Chats> Chat History> Clear All Chat. After that there will be three options, delete all messages, messages more than 30 days or more messages than six months, then choose what you want.
4. Mark Read or Unread messages
Sometimes people want to read message and changed back to pre-read. Do not worry, this can be done easily in WhatsApp. It’s easy, you only have to press a chat and then tap “Mark as Unread”.