4 Easy Steps to Make A Hyperlapse Video with Microsoft Hyperlapse Apps

4 Easy Steps to Make A Hyperlapse Video with Microsoft Hyperlapse Apps on Android Device

Hyperlapse and time-lapse is basically different. Time-lapse video recorded with a static camera, while hyperlapse usually recorded using the moving camera. To create a hyperlapse video, many people usually associated the camera on the vehicle or just hold the camera to follow the movement. If you using an iOS device, you can record video hyperlapse more easily using Instagram application, the Hyperlapse feature. Unfortunately, Instagram has not released Hyperlapse features for Android devices.

For you that using Android devices, you do not need to be confused. There is a very good application for making video hyperlapse. It is Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile. As the name suggests, the application for the hyperlapse video recording is made by Microsoft. Microsoft Hyperlapse applications can be downloaded for free in the Google Play Store. Once you install Microsoft Hyperlapse on your Android device, you can start making video hyperlapse easily.

Microsoft Hyperlapse applications can run on a smartphone or tablet running on Android 4.4 or higher. Microsoft Hyperlapse has a simple interface. You can create a video hyperlapse through video footage that already exists or create a new video recording. Microsoft Hyperlapse application give you many options. You can choose hyperlapse video speeds, from 1x to 32x. You can use the front or rear camera.

Here are 4 Easy Steps to Make A Hyperlapse Video with Microsoft Hyperlapse Apps on your Android Device:

1. Download and install Microsoft Hyperlapse.

2. Open the Microsoft Hyperlapse applications, and will appear two options for making a video hyperlapse. You can try to make a new video.

3. Next will come the camera interface, then press a red button to start recording and press it again to stop recording.

4. After stop recording, you can save and share your video to social media networks or create new hyperlapse video.


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