Shryne, An Application to Store Your Sweet Memories

Shryne, image via

Shryne, An Application to Store Your Sweet Memories

Do not let the your sweet memories scattered just in the mobile or social media, immediately smoothed with this application.

Some sweet memories is difficult to forget. Not only with your wife or husband, many stories and documentation with family or friends saved in the phone storage.

Shryne is an application that is designed to keep your sweet memories. However, as reported by TechCrunch on Friday (01.29.16), the application is not a diary or a full backup.

This application keeps track of all your online communication with friends, family, or spouse. This apps can read anyone who frequently contact with you through the phone. Then what is the function of this application?

Shryne will store text messages, Facebook messages, emails, photos from Facebook, Camera Roll, as well as your Instagram photos in only one application. Yes, now, this application is only available for iOS-based handsets.

Not just save, if we look deeper, this application aims to archive your memories. Then how about safety? Aldo Cherdabayev, founder of the apps also expressed in his opinion.

“We will not peek at the data to anyone. Everything is encrypted, so the application is designed as safe as safe deposit box,” he said. “We never thought to sell our user data,” he added later.

Well, you’re ready to archive your all sweet memories in only one application?. If the answer is yes, maybe this application is that you are looking for.


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