5 WhatsApp Important Features that You Should Know

5 WhatsApp Important Features that You Should Know
WhatsApp became the most popular chat applications today. With the number of users reached 900 million. This amount is believed to be increasing, especially when there are plans to remove the WhatsApp subscription fees.
WhatsApp is a commonly used applications. However, not everyone knows the secret features of WhatsApp. We summarize some of the collection of WhatsApp tricks on Android, we quote from DBWebsolution, Sunday (01/31/2016).
1. Finding Out Who Has Read Your Messages on Group
To know anyone who has read your messages on WhatsApp, simply press your message in the group, and will display the letter “i” in the circle. This will open a list of people who have read your message.
2. Disable Auto-Download Messages Pictures
By default, WhatsApp will automatically downloading images sent to your account. To stop this way, first, users can go to the settings or settings, then select the chat settings and the last press Media Auto-Download.
3. Migration to New Number
If you want to move to a new number without losing data, you can use this feature. Users can select the settings menu, then select account, and click the menu change number. After you enter a new number, WhatsApp will send a unique code to confirm.
4. Adding International Contact Numbers
If your friend is in another country, simply add the country code in front of the friend’s phone number. For example, +51 for the country code of Peru.
5. Create a Shortcut for Your Special People
If you are among those who are super busy, you can use this feature. With this feature, users can send messages to a special people (like your sweetheart) without having to open the WhatsApp application. You can simply press your sweetheart contact until the option “add shortcut button conversation” open. Your sweetheart contact now on the home page of the phone.