Facebook Release The Birthday Cam Feature

Facebook Release The Birthday Cam Feature

The social networking giant, Facebook encourages users to more personalised their birthday with the release of a video cam birthday. It was announced by Mark Zuckerberg the social network owner on Monday.


As reported by IBTimes, Tuesday (02/23/2016), the new features will appear on friends profile on his birthday. The pop-ups will allow users to tap and create a videos up to 15 seconds. In addition, the camera also offers several frames birthday theme to be added in the video.

Birthday Cam is available exclusively on iOS devices. Record a video and share on the wall of a friend for a long time can be done on Facebook, but this update makes it much simpler. Facebook advised to encourage friends and family members get together and create a group message.

These features add up to a priority shift not just mobile, but also mobile video. In 2014, Facebook is predicted to push video features or services more aggressively in the next five years.

Since the announcement, Facebook has introduced a Facebook Live features live video streaming, and Suggested Video Feed, which offers streaming video autoplay on your phone.


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