Hidden Apps on iPhone: 5 Step How to Hiding App from the Home Screen

Hidden Apps on iPhone: 5 Step How to Hiding App from the Home Screen

What do you think about a hidden app on your iPhone? Sometimes, you may need to hide your “privacy app” on your iPhone from someone, or you just don’t want the app to appear on your iPhone home screen. For the android users, there is available a simple way to hide the apps on from the menu screen. The story will be different for you who have iPhone because there are no options to hide the app from the home screen.

Apple doesn’t allow you to remove the default apps inside because that is the essential app for the iOS users experience. You may won’t see the default app that you have never used or the app that you don’t like to appear on your iPhone home screen. That is our topic today, we are going to talk about the method to hide the app from the iPhone home screen.

If you have any iPhone model that capable to run iOS 9 up to iOS 9.2, there is a new trick that will make you able to hide the app from your iPhone home screen, they are (the app) will no longer visible on your iPhone home screen.

Well, this trick has come from YouTube user “videosdebarraquito.” You may never think, how this trick can be done to hide an app from the iPhone home screen. Would you like to hide an app from your iPhone home screen?

NOTE: This trick will not uninstall the default apps or free up space for the iPhone storage, but just hiding the visibility icons on the iPhone home screen. Please make sure that you have understood the difference between uninstalling an app on iPhone with the hidden app on iPhone. Uninstall mean, the app will be deleted from your iPhone while hiding app mean, the app will disappear from the iPhone home screen.

Here are the 5 steps to hide an app from your iPhone home screen:

Step 1: You need to make a new folder (or open an existing folder) on your iPhone home screen.
Step 2: then, Move the app that you want to hide into the folder that you have been created.
Step 3: After that, Tap & hold the icon until all of the icons begin to jiggle, it should make you be able to rearrange the apps
Step 4: Grab the app that you want to hide in the folder & drag it to the right beyond the last tab in the folder
Step 5: Finally, you only need to press the home button while you still holding the app icon.

After you have followed the steps, the app will disappear from your iPhone home screen. You can still find the hidden apps from the spotlight. Well, that is all about the steps to hide an app from your iPhone home screen. Next time, after you have “reboot” your iPhone, all of the hidden apps on your iPhone will re-appear in the folder that you have been created.

That is easy, if you still need to hide the apps from your iPhone home screen, then you only need to do the steps again. Thanks for the video maker who have shared this information. Here is the video that showing the steps to hide an app from the iPhone home screen.

What do you think? Is this trick useful for you? The hidden app on your iPhone will help you to keep up your privacy. If there is something to ask, please let me know from the comment. Thank you.

Thanks fro the image from iphonetricks

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