Apps Won’t Open on iPhone Problem: The Trick to Solve The Problem

Apps Won’t Open on iPhone Problem: The Trick to Solve The Problem

There are some reports about the apps won’t open on iPhone, according to that problem, now we are going to talk 2 apps that won’t open on iPhone. The problem with the Facebook and the Snapchat app will be our topic today. However, there is a possibility for you to get the similar problem with these case. Then, it could be better for you to knew the problem solving before get the same case. Okay, are you ready to get the trick to solve the problem with app won’t open on iPhone? Here we go!

How to solve the problem with the Facebook App that won’t open on iPhone?

1. The Facebook App won’t open on iPhone

Well, the question about the problem with facebook app has come from Lawren. Lawren say, “Why can’t I open the Facebook app on my iPhone suddenly?”

Then here is the problem description from Lawren, “How did you experience this issue? What additional details can you provide? I was on Facebook, it closed while I was in the newsfeed and now the app won’t open.”

Did you have the same problem with the facebook app? Okay, there are some tricks for you in order to solve this problem. These tricks have come from Jo as the Facebook help officer and the facebook user that has the same problem. Hopefully, these will help you to get solved the problem with the Facebook app on your iPhone.

#Tips from Facebook: Jo, as the Facebook team officer, gives 2 way to solve the problem with facebook app that won’t open on iPhone:
#1. Restart your iPhone, retry open the Facebook app. If this does not work to solve the problem, go head to the second tips.
#2. Try to uninstall the Facebook app from your iPhone, then download the Facebook app again
If the problem can’t be solved by that steps, you can report the issue to Facebook from the web browser on your iPhone via

#Tips from the facebook user for the iPhone users:
#1. Go to Settings
#2. Facebook app in settings
#3. Then scroll down to delete your facebook account
#4. Go to the actual Facebook app and sign in
#5. After that, go to Settings, Facebook app, then, add your facebook account info again.

Actually, at the first time, you may need to follow the tips from Facebook. But, if you won’t uninstall the facebook app from your iPhone, then you can go head to the tips from the users in order to solve the problem with the facebook app. However, there is still a possibility to get a more complicated problem, then you can go head to report to the Facebook from the Facebook help. Okay, now we are going to the second app that won’t open on iPhone.

How to solve the problem with the Snapchat App that won’t open on iPhone?

Well, this is the question from the iPhone users “why my Snapchat will not open?” after they have updated their Snapchat App. However, there are 5 possibilities that caused the Snapchat app won’t open on iPhone after the update process:
– you have done the restore before, but the process has not been done completely;
– the connection to iTunes is not done correctly;
– your internet connection can be interrupted or slow;
– the Snapchat that you use are an older version;
– the Snapchat application has crashed, so your iPhone system is hang up.

Okay, that’s all the 5 possibilities the Snapchat won’t open on your iPhone. Here the steps to solve the problem of Snapchat app that won’t open on your iPhone:

#1: First, just uninstall the Snapchat app that is already installed on your iPhone
#2: Just Get a stable internet connection for you
#3: Then, you can install the newest version of iTunes
#4: Connect your iPhone with system, then restore your iPhone (option => restore)
#5: Restart your iPhone
#6: The last, you can open the iTunes apps store to install the newest Snapchat

According to, That is the steps to do if you just get the Snapchat installing or update issue. If that does not work, you can try to restart your iPhone. Then, you can try to re-install the Snapchat app again (by syncing the app from iTunes). You can surfing to the internet if you find the other issue. You can contact the Apple Support if you can’t find the similar issue there. Thank you.

sugeng riyanto:

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