Latest Updates about The Development of Apple Campus 2

Latest Updates about The Development of Apple Campus 2

A YouTuber named Duncan Sinfield who faithfully preach the development of new Apple headquarters again posted a video updated about the progress of the Apple Campus 2 until early March.

In this video, we look workers were installing poles and solar panels on the roof. This building will have a design like a ring with a length of 2.8 million square feet.

You can see in the video, the installation of a giant curved glass windows by construction workers in the main building is still ongoing. The amount of glass windows reached more than 3,000 pieces.

In addition, we look also the workers installing white canopy in front and behind the main building.

This building will be dominated by the glass, the aim is that the employees can see the natural scenery around. In the vicinity of this new office will be created an artificial park.

Apple Campus 2 has 700,000 square feet, or approximately 65,000 square meters. It is large enough to accommodate all operational employees at the Apple headquarters.

Here’s the full video:

Apple Campus 2 planned to be completed by the end of this year. This new area of ​​2.8 hectares is ready to become the new office for about 12,000 Apple employees, including the CEO, Tim Cook and other top managements.

Apple CEO, Tim Cook, recently explained to make the building that environmentally friendly. He also pledged to plant 1,000 trees around this place.

This building will have an underground auditorium and the place of learning. In addition, there is a very extensive fitness facilities for employees. We quote from Mac Rumors on Friday (03/04/2016).


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