Want to try Android N? Here’s How to Get It

Want to try Android N? Here’s How to Get It

Without much publicity, Google has begun to spread Android N to the public. It is still a preview, it means need improvement and stil many bugs here. Interested to try?

The process is quite easy. Google provides a special page for users who want to try Android N at the site located in g.co/androidbeta. When first opened, the user is required to log in using a Google account that is also used in their Android devices.

Once logged in, the user will immediately confronted with a long article that explains about Android Beta program, as well as a list of mobile phones that support Android N.

From the Nexus family, there were Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Nexus 5X, 6P Nexus and Nexus Player. While the remaining devices that could try Android N is Pixel C tablet and an Android phone General Mobile 4G currently marketed in Turkey.

If you don’t have the devices mentioned above, it means the opportunity to try preview is closed.

However, if you have one, it will automatically display a list of phones that are connected to the login email that used earlier. Let’s just say that emerges is 6P Nexus and Nexus 5X.

Under the list of these phones there is the ‘Enroll device’. If you really want to try Android N, press the button and it will change the writing to ‘Unenroll device’. Then wait about 15 minutes, should have been on the phone you have pressed the button that will display a notification to upgrade to N.

No need to bother flashing (reinstalling), because the notifications will take users to upgade through the Over The Air (OTA) like installing regular updates. You just simply sit and waiting for the upgrade process is completed.

It is really pamper the users. But if you like the “old way”, installing the preview with flashing method also can still be done.

So if you regret upgrading to Android N because there are still many bugs. Do not worry, the “Unenroll device” button in theory is to restore the phone back to the previous version of Android.

One important message before try the preview version. Do not expect the operation to be stable like the version of Android that you used before. It is because “the preview” will definitely has a lot of problems.

From various sources we get after using the preview version. Many says the operating is very smooth but encountered some minor problems. One is not able to attach a picture via WhatsApp.


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