Put Smartphone on The Pants Pocket can be Harmful for Your Health

Put A Smartphone on The Pants Pocket can be Harmful for Your Health

The small size of a smartphone is very comfortable when inserted in the pants pocket. However, do you know that smartphones are often inserted in your pocket can be harmful to your health, especially for the male fertility.

A recent study on the dangers of smartphones have been done by a group of scientists in Israel. According to them put a smartphone near the genitals can lower sperm of a man. If this continues, it will eventually make a man become infertile, as quoted from NetDoctor (02/22/2016).

The cases like this have been experienced by the population in Western countries. The man proved to decreased sperm quality by 40 percent. This also makes the emergence of many cases of women who have difficulty conceiving.

“Men need to think about their welfare and try to not put the smartphone in the pants pocket. If you wear a suit, you can put the smartphone in your breast pocket. It will reduce the risk of decreasing levels and quality of your sperm,” said Gedis Grudzinskas, a consultant fertility in Harley Street and St George’s hospital.

Furthermore, the researchers also have done research to more than 100 people. From these studies they know that someone will be decreased sperm quality because it is caused by the smartphone heating.

“We analyzed the number of sperm that swim actively and quality has been reduced due to the heating of the electromagnetic activity on the smartphones,” said Professor Martha Dirnfeld, from the Technion University in Haifa.


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