Google Maps Provides 25 Cute Stickers to Decorate Your Favorite Location

Google Maps provides 25 cute stickers to decorate your favorite location map.

Google Maps just provides new features that may not be very useful but it will make you happy. Yes, Google Maps has introduced a funny stickers to mark your favorite locations. These stickers are offered in various forms, such as office buildings, tree houses, castles, and much more.

Google’s goal to bring these cute stickers is the users can recognize their favorite place
quickly. In addition, it is to beautify the appearance of the map on Google Maps. With the presence of these cute stickers, map location that looks boring will turn out to be more ‘colorful’.

Google Maps offers a total of 25 stickers. Hopefully, these stickers can adorn a map of your favorite locations. So, not only your home or office decorated with stickers, but also a friend’s house, a gym, stations, terminals, and others.

Currently, the funny stickers updates on Google Maps is already available on the Google Play Store. You can add stickers to the location you want. For example, you want to replace the house icon with cute stickers. Meaning you just open a map the location of your home and replace icons with these stickers, as we quoted from Googleblog (03/18/2016).

Google Maps


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