How to use Night Shift feature on iOS 9.3 devices?
From now on, looks like the iOS device users can sleep well. It is because the iOS 9.3 update that has been released provides new features to help users to quickly sleep.
If you’ve already updated your device with the iOS 9.3 operating system, you will surely find a feature called Night Shift. This feature is a light setting that can change the screen color from blue into yellow. The question is …. now what the benefit of change the blue color to a yellow color?
The blue color of the smartphone screen can slow down production of the melatonin hormone. It is hormones that help a person to be fast asleep. Therefore, the Night Shift features that presented in iOS 9.3 will help users to avoid sleep disturbances or insomnia.
Then, how to use the Night Shift on iOS 9.3 devices? Night Shift feature usage is almost the same as setting the brightness of the screen. The difference, in Night Shift feature, the user can schedule the color changes manually or automatically. In addition, the users can also set the density level of blue and yellow colors on the screen.
Night Shift
You can turn on Night Shift feature on iOS 9.3 using the following way.
Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift.
If it has been activated, the Night Shift feature will change the screen color from blue to yellow by default. Starting from sunset to sunrise, as we quote from Mashable (03/22/2016).
Night Shift 2