By Jay / / Android Apps

Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones, tablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known as root access) over various Android subsystems. Rooting is often performed with the goal of overcoming limitations that carriers and hardware manufacturers put on some devices. Thus, rooting gives the ability (or permission) to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized applications (“apps”) that require administrator-level permissions, or perform other operations that are otherwise inaccessible to a normal Android user.

Now, that you know what rooting is, as stated in Wikipedia, you should also know the risk of rooting or should i expect you to know what the risk is, anyway the worst possible scenario for your phone if you are failing in rooting is your android phone going through a phase where your phone will be dead, which is called “Hardbrick” where your phone will be dead, like dead i mean dead, it is dead. DEAD. RIP. Well, it is not exactly un ‘fix’able, but you still need to have the proper equipment, and you will need to get it fix on the service center, there is also the second but not so worst possible scenario called “softbrick” where your phone is not totally dead, just not useable. It will go on a constant boot.

So? Still wanted to read? Okay then, of course the paragraph above me is just for scaring you guys off and not to root anything, because we simply got a zero non risk app for your android phone. W- Wait… Do- Don’t be mad. we are simply trying to do a different approach in writing the article here, if you like it comment and share okay? Anyway, here are some of the list of the zero non risk app for rooting your android device.

1. Flashify

Android Root Apps Flashify

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Flash your boot.img, recovery.img and zip files right away using Flashify!
Be safe and backup everything either to local storage or cloud storage with automatic syncing!
If you don’t know where to get your recovery files, just download directly from this app!

Flashify is a root app that all root users should have. What it does is allow you to queue up stuff to flash from recovery without having to reboot your phone. This includes zips, mods, kernels, boot images, recovery images, and much more. This is a great tool for root beginners or amateurs and it’s especially great for those who don’t enjoy using ADB and Fastboot commands. It’s simple, it has a good, modern interface, and it just works.

Download : here!

2. Greenify

Android Root Apps Greenify

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NEW: Auto-hibernation now works in non-root mode, (need to be enabled in experimental features setting, Android 4.1+ required). If you have secure key-guard enabled, try “Hibernate and Lock Screen” shortcut or “Pull up” gesture on Home soft-key.

Greenify quickly climbed the list as one of those essential root apps a long time ago. The app checks out your running apps and shows you which ones are running, which ones have been run, how frequently they have run, and how many times each one wakes up your device. Using this information, you can hibernate apps to prevent them from running in the background and drain your battery. This is the only app that prevents Facebook from waking up your phone 700+ times per day and it’s totally free although you can buy the donate version for $2.99 to help fund development!

Download : here!

3. SuperSU

Android Root Apps SuperSU

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SuperSU is the Superuser access management tool of the future ;)!!! SuperSU requires a rooted device !!!

SuperSU allows for advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on your device that need root. SuperSU has been built from the ground up to counter a number of problems with other Superuser access management tools.

SuperSU by Chainfire is the de facto Superuser application available. Most root methods have you installing this app anyway so most new root users already have it. It’s a solid root app with a ton of features and it acts like the front door to your device so any old root app can’t just go nuts. You’ll have a list of all the apps that have requested and been granted (or denied) root access. You can also fully unroot your device, keep logs, and more. It’s also frequently updated which is what you want in a Superuser app.

Download : here!

About Jay
A Content writer for Contact me on, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.