Prey for the Gods: When Humans Against The Giants

Prey for the Gods: When Humans Against The Giants

For giant or titan exterminator game lovers, Shadow of the Colossus may be a perfect example of a game that gives satisfaction. The success was followed by several other titles such as Ico, and The Last Guardian that will be published.

There’s one more title that will enliven in the same genre like Shadow of the Colossus. A game developers, No Matter Studios is currently working on a new game, Prey for the Gods. A game that tells the adventures of a person, against a giant or titan with excitement game play.

Uniquely, the game was released with the help of Kickstarter. A website that collecting the funds needed to complete a project. For information, the funds needed for the Gods Prey is reportedly almost reached the target. As expected, the game will be released in late 2017, it may be quite a long time for gamers.

With the support of $ 15, you can get game Prey for the Gods when released later via Steam. Interested to have? Just go to Kickstarter page belong to No Matter Studios and give your support !


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