Malwarebytes Apps Review: Anti-Malware Protection + Privacy Manager App

Malwarebytes Apps Review: Anti-Malware Protection + Privacy Manager App

Malware short for malicious software. This is software that is specifically designed to gain access or damage a computer without the knowledge of the owner. It used to  gather sensitive information, gain access to private computer systems, or display unwanted advertising. There are various types of malware including spyware, keyloggers, true viruses, worms, or any type of malicious code that infiltrates a computer. Yes a computer, but what about android.

Well, the truth is, viruses don’t exist in android. A virus is a bit of self-replicating executable code that can do its dirty work on one machine. It also has the ability to automatically transmit itself to other machines. The way Android (and iOS, and some computer operating systems) is sandboxed means this can’t happen. At least in theory.

Note : Sandbox is a security mechanism for separating running programs.  The simple terms is that it is a security program, which is used to protect your devices from viruses.

Well, but it is still possible for android devices to be infected. It is by downloading and installing a third rate app (APK). It means that you have to have given it the OK to install.

It is usually install in a Harmless apps, and by giving an okay sign to it, you let it run in the background with the app you install. Then the app that is installed in will steals your data. Simple right, if you really want your phone to be viruses free is by never installing your app from the third rate application (not secure APK). But what if you already installed it? It could be helped by installing the world most popular anti malware technology called MALWAREBYTES.

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The world’s most popular anti-malware technology has now gone mobile! Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile protects your phone or tablet from malware, infected apps, and unauthorized surveillance.

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Malwarebytes built its reputation as one of the most lightweight PC protection tools around. You can literally play games with this app running and it won’t even lags a bit. First, you need Installs it after scans in Safe Mode. It also has the Chameleon technology resists malware attack. The result is excelent in malware removal lab test. It also improved user interface and ease of use.

The free Android version is a chip off the old block, focusing on ease-of-use rather than tons of features. It offers anti-malware protection, a privacy manager, and also scans apps that are behaving suspiciously.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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