Games – Ingress Review: Transforms The Real World into A Landscape for A Global Game of Mystery, Intrigue, and Competition

Games – Ingress Review: Transforms The Real World into A Landscape for A Global Game of Mystery, Intrigue, and Competition

There are games like Pokemon GO but with a different kind of setting. Some of you guys might already know this game. It is from the same developer of Pokemon GO. Yes, it is Ingress, The Sci-Fi word of Augmented Reality / AR for short.

Augmented from Augmented reality means to “make something greater by adding to it” and reality means reality. So Augmented Reality means that Adding something to reality to make it greater and better.

This is why, the Ingress app transform the real world into the landscape of the game. Of course, it is only limited to your smartphone.



Ingress transforms the real world into the landscape for a global game of mystery, intrigue, and competition.

Our future is at stake. You must choose a side.

A mysterious energy has been unearthed by a team of scientists in Europe. The origin and purpose of this force is unknown, but some researchers believe it is influencing the way we think. We must control it or it will control us.

“The Enlightened” seek to embrace the power that this energy may bestow upon us. “The Resistance” struggle to defend, and protect what’s left of our humanity.

Install Ingress and transform your world.

Difference with Pokemon GO


Pokemon GO you had three faction (Mystic, Valor and Instinct) in Ingress you only had two faction. It is Enlightened (The Bad Guy in the movie / The Brainwash one) which believes their action is for the evolution of mankind to fight with the Shaper (Aliens) and The Resistances (The Hero Which for some reason kinda lose to the Enlightened) with fight for the humanity from the Shaper and the Enlightened.

If the symbol for Mystic is blue, Valor is Red, and Instinct is Yellow. For Ingress, Blue is for The Resistances and Green is for the Enlightened

There are also PokeStop in Pokemon GO but in ingress it is called Portal. Both can be interacts but there are some different in it. In Pokemon Go you can interact with the pokestop again and again after some time, (5 minutes) but for Ingress you can only interact with it for 4 times before it burnt out and need to cool down for approximately 4 hours.

The Gym in pokemon go is simplify with the portal, each portal can be own by some faction with representative color and grey is for the none faction.

In Short, The game is actually like the Pokemon Go. It is based on same way with some additional feature. The plus factor, GPS in the Ingress is much much better than that in the Pokemon GO. It made the game more stable and much more playable than the Pokemon GO. It is really nice!


Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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