Kickstarter Support: Mythica VR, The RPG VR Quest

Mythica VR is role-playing as you always dreamed it could be, dungeon crawling beside your friends in virtual reality.


Ever wish for Virtual RPG Game? Then this is the game for you. I have been a RPG fans for all my life from Harvest moon to final fantasy. I have played it all, and like all RPG fans, i dreamed to be a warrior that slain a monster or barbarian or a magician that could cast and obliterate all, or a priest that heals the undead. Of course, it is just a dream because we know the difference between reality and imagination. We are not that crazy, but with the recent VR technology, it is just a matter of time where our dreams could come true, and it did with the newest game:

“Mythica VR”


The promise of virtual reality has finally been realized, and exploring a dungeon in virtual reality is everything you dreamed it could be. The first time you put up your sword to block the blow of an attacking orc. It feels as real as life, you know that there is no going back to the dice rolls of table-top gaming or the controller clicking of video gaming.

There is also a game master, your buddy where you could get the feeling of mmorpg game, or you could be a solo player, everything is possible in this game.

You could become a player or a game master

Create your character, then join with your friends, or get matched with other players at the same experience level as your character, and play a quest together. A quest may be a one-off or may be part of a larger campaign that you can work through, slowly leveling up your character so that you can take on harder and harder quests.

The map builder can be used in two ways, either as a traditional desktop top-down map editor, using the mouse to create rooms and place items and monsters, or you can build the quest around you in virtual reality, walking around the dungeon creating rooms, and placing items and monsters. A simple trigger system will allow you to add logic to your quests.

If you are joining the quests with your players you can control all aspects of your quests as they are playing, including spawning items and monsters. You can even control your NPCs and monsters in real-time, acting with your motion controllers and voicing your NPCs.

You can walk around the room as normal for close range exploration and combat, and for moving outside of the area you have available. You can teleport by pointing your motion controller at your destination and pushing a button, because the teleport option feels the most natural and offers the least possibility of motion sickness. It has been adopted by most room-scale virtual reality games.


This game is amazing right? but sadly, this game is not launched yet, and they need your support to live on. Which is why, we made this article to give them some support. If you would like to realize this game, please donate to help it.

The link will be on this Logo. So please click it.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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