App Corner – Unique Alarm Clock: Help You Wake Up in A Unique Way

Unique Alarm Clock: Help You Wake Up in A Unique Way

Waking up in the morning is something almost everyone struggles with. Many people find getting up in the morning to be an absolute struggle. Trying to get ten extra minutes in your cozy bed turns into an hour and messes up your day’s schedule.

If you are having a hard time waking up on time, and your usual alarm clock isn’t cutting it, then you might have to take things up a notch. Which must explain the number of third-party alarm clocks available in the Play Store — but some of them are just really out there.

There are many alarm clocks that are annoying enough to wake you up even if you are a really heavy sleeper. Here we have listed some of the most unique alarm app that we could fine on the internet that will help you wake up in a unique way.

1. Spin me Alarm Clock



Suck at waking up? Are you the type of person to set multiple alarms a few minutes apart from each other just to make sure you wake up on time? If so, say hello to your new alarm clock.

SpinMe Alarm Clock is a super clever app designed to get you out of bed on time.

This app wakes you up like any other app, but the differences is in the way you shut it up. The only way to do so is by standing up, holding your phone perfectly flat, and spinning around slowly — not once, but twice. It’s a delicate dance, that some might not be able to do while they have just woken up. The thought of doing this the first thing in the morning will definitely make you crazy, but it will surely woke you up.

2. Gentle Alarm 



An alarm clock shouldn’t shell-shock you out of your dreams. That’s why I created Gentle Alarm which tries to wake you up during light sleep using an optional pre-alarm. Alarm clocks can’t know if you are in light sleep or deep sleep (those movement based alarm clock don’t work) but they can play a very quiet pre-alarm which you will only hear if you are in light sleep. If you are in deep sleep, you will simply sleep through the pre-alarm.

Gentle Alarm is a very well-known alarm clock app. There are bunch of feature Aside from the regular alarms you can set for certain days (free version doesn’t ring on Wednesdays), there are lots of other features you can configure and control. Similar to Alarm Clock Xtreme, snoozing or dismissing can be done by solving a math problem or by repeating a dot pattern.

3. Wake me up!



Walk Me Up! is unlike any other alarm app you would have used. It stops ringing only when you have walked a certain number of steps. That’s right, it ‘walks’ you up from sleep!

And this app also has intelligent algorithms to detect shaking. So, if you try to cheat, the app wouldn’t hesitate to punish… You gotta try it to believe it. This is the best alarm clock for all sleepy heads who find trouble getting out of bed early morning.

Walk Me Up! figures there is no better way to wake you up than by getting you out of bed and forcing you to start walking around. It initially requires ten steps, but you can increase or decrease the number as desired. Just don’t try turning off the alarm with a single step. The app is smart enough not to be fooled by shaking. If you start rapidly moving your phone, it will tell you to stop, deduct a few steps, and eventually reset you back to the beginning.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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