Pokemon GO Newest Feature: The Buddy System

Source: fraghero.com

Pokemon GO Newest Feature: The Buddy System

Pokemon Go publisher Niantic has always promised that there would be updates to Pokemon Go to add new features as the game moves forward. This week, the Niantic, as the game developer of pokemon Go has announced a new feature called the Buddy System.

Source : pokemongopocket.com

Buddy System?

If you have seen the famous pokemon series on your TV then you might know that Ash and the Others walk together on a journey with his pokemon, while training and growing together with them. This newest update is not really that different, you can choose one pokemon to travel with you, while doing that it will give you the famous Candy.  Once you’ve selected your buddy, you’ll have to walk a particular distance to earn a candy of that character’s type. So, for example, if you select Pikachu, you’ll be able to earn Pikachu candy as you walk.

Source : www.forbes.com

How it works?

1. Click your player icon on the bottom left of the main screen

2. go to the menu on the bottom right.

3. Hit “Buddy”

4. Select your Pokemon Buddy. 

Once you select your pokemon, you might need to walk for about 1 – 5 km to get your candy. it is a way to motivate you to walk and search for pokemon while getting candy. it is like killing two birds with one stone.

It is a bit disappointing that you can’t see the chosen pokemon to walk alongside with you, but it is a start, and the game itself hasn’t even been around for a year. Let’s just cross our hand and hope that the Niantic will give us what we want

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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