Pokemon Moon and Sun, Demo, Release and Important Announcement

Pokemon Sun and Moon.

For those Pokemon fans then this might be the most anticipated Pokemon game of all. We’ll get a taste of the new generation of Pokémon earlier than we thought. The Pokémon Company announced today that the upcoming Sun and Moon will get a demo for the Nintendo 3DS on October 18, one month before the games’ November 18 release date.

Pokemon Sun and Moon offer a new ways to enjoy the game. The newest feature that is being released on the Pokemon youtube on the 5th October is about the starter Pokemon evolution and The Playable Demo where you can enjoy the new Pokemon Sun and Moon with a hidden character.

The video Start with the Usual new feature that would be added to the game. This time it is the Starter Evolution. The Grass Type Rowlette’s which would become the Gentleman “Dartix” that has the ability of Overgrowth. The Fire Type Litten’s that would become the Cool “Torracat” that has the ability Blaze. Lastly, Poplio’s which would be the Adorable “Brione” that has the ability Torrent.

Then the second feature that is being announce in the game where there will be a plaze. A place where Pokemon Trainer can do meet up and do quest with Each other. The Third feature of the video is about the newest feature of your PC Box. The usual PC box on the Pokemon franchise is just a storage box for your Pokemon. Here in Pokemon Sun and Moon your Pokemon that is store in the PC box will be able to explore everything. It will gives you items like Evolution Stones and Some Fruits. More will be Explain when you Get the game. There will also be Mega Evolution here in the Alola Region.

Lastly, to wrap the video. The Pokemon Developer Announce that there will be a Demo. That will be released in this October 18th. Where you will explore the Alola Region with Greninja that could evolve into Ash-Greninja. The Ash-Greninja could be transfer to the original game after the release of the Original Game. So for all Pokemon Fans, be sure to check it out!

Thank you for reading this article and have a nice day. Oh There is about a week before the Demo Release, why not check some of the best puzzle game on Android Devices here to relieve your boredom.


Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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