PS3 Emulator is it Possible?

PS3 Emulator is it Possible?

Emulator PS3 For your PC, Is it Playable or not?

The PlayStation 3 (abbreviated to PS3) is a home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It was first released on November 11, 2006, in Japan, November 17, 2006 in North America, and March 27, 2007 in Europe and Australia. There are of course some of the most amazing games on it, like God of Wars, Disgaea, Ar tonelico and many more. But you don’t want to know that. You are here to know that is there any Playable Emulator PS3?

PS3 Emulator image Source via

The answer for now is yes there is. There exist an emulator PS3 that is literally playable on your PC or computer. Most of the emulator that you have search on the internet like or ESX emulator that you can search through the net is not playable. The apps itself is Downloadable and can run the bios (The PS3 icon on the start) but when you input the ISO (The game file that you needed to play the game) it will definitely gives you an error. Correct me if i am wrong though.

Sure enough the demands of emulator PS3 is very high considering it is almost 10 years after the first release of the first console. but Building a good PS3 emulator requires a crazy computer. Not only will it require to emulate all 7 cores for the PS3 but running a console game is much different than running a PC game. These console don’t require as much raw horse power as their predecessors did, and running games well with low specs requires special integrated hardware.

RPCS3 Logo

I am not saying this to let down your hopes. Like i said early in this article, there exist an emulator that is Playable, but there is a catch. The game that you can play is limited. The name is RPCS3, which can be found in the link Here!

The  RPCS3 is an open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator for Windows and Linux written in C++. It currently runs only small homebrew applications. The source code for RPCS3 is hosted on GitHub. RPCS3 is still in an early stage of development. A lot of features required to run commercial games still have not been implemented. Commercial games will be supported when the hardware/firmware emulation is accurate enough to run them. It all depends on the amount of developers working on this project, their skills, and free time, etc.

Some of the playable game on the RPCS3 can be found here!

Although there are only some playable game. It is a start. I hope this article can prevent others that keeps getting tricks saying that the Emulator is playable like 100% playable and many more. Support the RPCS3 developer, not demanding it. They work for us free of charge. If you wanted to donate. Tell them at the site. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Jay: A Content writer for Contact me on, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.