Game Review – Sudden Watermelon: Help the Yonekuras to Fight and Win Back Their Peaceful Summer Trip!

Game Review – Sudden Watermelon: Help the Yonekuras to Fight and Win Back Their Peaceful Summer Trip!

If you are searching for a nostalgia, and searching for an old school game like beat em up and kill the enemies before advancing then the game Sudden Watermelon is probably for you.


Sudden Watermelon is an old school ‘beat them up’ action game with 16-bit pixel art visual.

Yonekura family (from Sudden Bonus) back for more actions!
It’s summer, the Yonekura family went for summer vacation at Lalala Beach. While they were having fun playing the classic beach game, ‘suikawari’ (watermelon splitting), the weird TV show host appeared again and challenged them to a game of “Sudden Watermelon” where they have to defeat some weird watermelon fighters.

Help the Yonekuras to fight and win back their peaceful summer trip!

The Sudden Watermelon is a game that you don’t know you love until you really try it. The old school feels of tapping a button vigorously just to beat the enemies is there in this games. You play as a family that is going on a vacation until you got into a kinda like Variety TV Show host to tell and challenged you into a game where you defeated a Watermelon fighters.


The game is pretty fun. There are about 7 playable character. They have their own skills of each. For example the head of the family, Hiromasa has a power kinda like Ryu from the street fighter series, the tornado kick.

There are also plenty of easter eggs, where you can find bunch of unique nostalgic enemies like an emo watermelon that flicks his hair to attacks you. A poo watermelon that throw his shit at you, a honey bee that caries and attacks with a flower face, a minion kinda like watermelon that eats a banana and flicks the peels to trip you and a pikachu type of watermelon that stung you when you are near it.

Although the game is plenty of fun, the control is not. Although you can choose a control where you can use joystick to control the character and put them where you faced to, and a control where you just tap your screen as where you wanted them to go, both of the control is very Sh*tty like. You can hardly put your character where you wanted them to go and attack your enemies, like any other beat em up gameplay. You need to align yourself with your enemies to punch them, but with a sh*tty controller it is plenty of pain and make headache for you.

In conclusion, this game is the game that you need to play with love. The game itself is pretty fun and have a lot of potential to be a viral game but the developer need to fix its control so the character will move according to what the users wanted. If they fix the controller then this will probably be one of the best Indy games.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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