NounShoun: A Simple Yet Powerful English Grammar App

Do you have difficulty in identifying part of speech of a sentence? You should try NounShoun, an English grammar application from Constelation Software and Consulting Pvt. It use artificial intelligent to identify the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, article/determiner, pronoun, preposition, adverb, interjection and conjunction) of a sentence.
A Free Application
It’s a free application. Just download it from play store and install on your smartphone.
Simple Application
Nounshoun is a simple application yet it has a nice user interface. The only feature is to distinguish the part of speech of your sentence. So, you don’t have to worry that you get another result.
How to Use It?
So, how to use it? Just open the app. Type your sentence and tap the action button (the blue lightning bolt!). You could entering one or more sentences. A good news for you: it could distinguish a complex sentences as well. That show how powerful this grammar app is.
It need internet connection every time you input the sentence. So, make sure your network is on. Nounshoun will split the sentences into words. Each words will given its part of speech. Notice the blue words on the left side? Under those blue words, you will find their basic words. On the right side, you will find the part of speech of each words. Tap on the word and you get the description of the part of speech.
The application will help you to distinguish the tenses, whether it is in the present, in the past, or in the future. It is also distinguish whether a noun is plural or singular. Use it to identify a passive or active voices.
Note that it is not a grammar checker, it will distinguish your words by the use of it in a sentence, but do not correct it if you make any grammatical mistake.
GrammarNounShounPart of Speech