Gear Logic Puzzles Review and Tips: Boost Your Logic and Creativity!

Make the gears connecting and boost your creativity with Gear Logic Puzzles. 
Talking about game is about endless. Today I’m trying Gear Logic Puzzle.  This about gears. The challenge of this game is how to connect a gear with others gear.  You should arrange the gear to connecting one with other gears.  The aim of the game: to make all red gear wheels spin. So, Move the gears with your fingers!

Gameplay :

Move the gears and make gear with others gears connect and be rotate together.

What is interesting in this game?

  1. You are invited to think out of the box.  Sometimes gear location unexpectedly and need creativity for this!
  2. Your logic is boosted by this game. You should use your logic to move the gear and connect one with others. Gear has a move patterns, so if the gear rotate to left you cannot move to right. So, this is need your logic
  3. Accuracy will be trained. Sometimes you need put the gear in right place, if gear in wrong place, the gear usually cannot rotate.
  4. Endurance be trained 🙂

Components in this game :

Red : this gear cannot moved.

Green : This gear cannot moved, and be parent for others game, because this gear is mover to others gear. This gear always rotate to move the others gear.

White : This is gear that you should move. Move this gear to make connecting one by one gears. Sometime, you should thinking out of the box to finish this challenge 🙂

Blue : This gear is static (cannot move) but this gear can to rotate. Blue looks static but if you touch this gear, it will be rotate.


Gravitation. The gear wheels are falling down.

Restricted area. You cannot put the center of gear wheels on it.

Rusty gear wheels. They wedge all gear wheels engaged with them. Pass them by.

A rail (rack gear). A rack. An obstacle that you can move aside.

A giant gear wheel with internal teeth. You can place small gear wheels inside it.


Tips :

  1. You should try and try.
  2. Find creative place to move gears
  3. Use your logic to see the gear move and how to put the gear in right place
  4. Give up playing is not a solution 🙂

This is example for this game :

Level 1Level 3Level 4Level 5


What you want to try? if you found a tips and trick about this game, you can share with Us via link below.

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