Google Photo Scan: When Photos from The Past Meet Scanner from The Future

Google Photo Scan, Now you can digitize your Old Picture

Photos from the past, meet scanner from the future, Google finally made a thing that will make our life a lot easier. Well, they already did made something, but still this is on a whole new level. The apps is called Google Photo Scan. With it you can digitize your old Picture. Meaning that you can finally input your picture to the computer or your phone, without using a scanner.

You can finally say good bye to the old photo scanner. Just download the app, click it, then start scanning your picture. It is on a whole new level from the other apps.

The bad thing is that the digitize picture is based on your camera MP, which is why you need to have the best camera to get the best picture.

Anyway, thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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