Facebook Messenger’s New Feature: Instant Games Has Arrived on Nov 29

Playing games without leaving your facebook messenger

Instant Games is a new feature to playing games without leaving your facebook messenger. You gamers will love to know that facebook has put it in Messenger.

You don’t have to download anything or open a new site to play Instant games. It is possible to play Instant Game in the same windows as you do your activity.

Messenger’s David Marcus commented, “Social gaming was big on desktop. [But on mobile] Everything has gotten social slapped on as an after-thought.”

Games can load in seconds due to no downloaded data needed

For your information, Facebook use the HTML5 mobile web standard to built Instant Games. The games can load in seconds due to no downloaded data needed.

Leo Olebe, the director of global games at Facebook said, “With HTML5 we’re in a new era now where you don’t actually have to download an app in order to get a high-quality experience.”

Play the games across platform

Also, it is possible to play the games across platform. Not only it is available on your phone, but you could also play it via your laptop. “I think it’s a really exciting time for the platform,” said Olebe.

Furthermore, Olebe said, “We’ve done a lot of different stuff with Facebook games this year, but we can’t wait to see how people are really going to engage with this. It’s definitely going to be a lot of fun.”

17 games available

Instant Games is available since November 29 in 30 countries. Developers like Bandai Namco, Konami, Taito, Zynga, and King took part in it. There are 17 games available on Instant Games. Newer iOS and Android devices could already use it.

You will find some games like Pac Man and Space Invader. Instant Games also includes Galaga, Words With Friends, Shuffle Cats Mini, EverWing, Zookeeper, and Brick Pop. Access the feature through the new game controller icon in your Facebook Messenger. Another ways to access are through links that you see on News Feed and via a new Instant Games Bookmark.

All of the supported games are totally free

Olebe opinioned that searching for a game and trading links to connect elsewhere is not Messenger’s purpose. Instead, the goal is to make people discover, play, and share games.

Right now, only some number of developers could participate. However, developers can apply to be included. Now, it has goal to perfect the user’s experience. Accordingly, all of the supported games are totally free, without ads or in-app purchase.


Kunti Wulandari:

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