明日から本気出す: A Simple and Unique To-Do Note

For you who want to focus to do your immediate task

明日から本気出す(Read: Ashita kara honki dasu) is a famous Japanese phrase meaning I’ll work on it seriously starting tomorrow.

When I see the app in Googleplay, I wonder, what kind of app it is. Why is it on my recommendation app? I feel that its title, Work Seriously from Tomorrow, is a rather unique one. I read the description and found out that it is a kind of to-do notes app.

Usually, I wrote my to-do task on my calendar app. However, after I try it, I think from now on I will use this app.
Ashita kara honki dasu is a very simple app. It has uncluttered user interface. Also, you may like its simple black and white theme.

This app is not for you who like to write down your to-do notes for one week, one month, or longer. However, I recommend this app for you who want to focus to do your immediate task. Basically, you only has 3 kind of notes, notes that you should do on that day, notes that you should do the day after, or notes that you want to do someday.

It doesn’t have an auto update

The first time you open the app, you will find “DO IT TODAY” notes section. Slide to the right to find the finished task. On the other hand, slide to the left once to find task for tomorrow. Another slide to the left to find someday task and about the app.

Type your task on the upper box. Then tap on ‘+’ box next to it. Even though the name suggest to do it tomorrow, the default of your notes is to do it on that day. Then, you need to change it to DO TOMORROW or DO SOMEDAYS if you want to do it the day after or someday.

Tap on the memo. Then, tap on DO SOMEDAYS or DO TOMORROW to change when you will do it. Also, there are option to remove it by tapping on DELETE. Mark your finished task by tapping on FINISHED. However, you have option to change to DO TODAY.

However, it doesn’t have an auto update. You need to personally change every task on your DO TOMORROW to DO TODAY. Hence, it would be tiresome to change each of them.

Write down more info on your to-do note in the memo box

You could add more detail info by tapping on the paper and pencil on its upper right corner. It has option to change the priority. The default priority is Trivial. The trivial notes has white color. However, you could change the priority to normal or fatal. There are no drastic differences. Your fatal priority notes will become pink. Also, your normal priority notes will become yellow. You could write down more info on your to-do note in the memo box. Then, don’t forget to save it.

It has option to show your memo or not. Find this on Settings > Show memo on list. If you turn it on, you could read your memo right away. However, if you turn it off, the app will show you which note has memo on it. The task with memo has paper and pencil mark on it. Tap on the task to show the memo.

Also, it has option to turn on or turn off the notification. You have option to use your default font.

Tap on RECYCLE TASK to use it again

In ‘FINISHED’ section, you could delete your task or tap on RECYCLE TASK to use it again. You could find the information on when the note is created and when the note is finished as well.

By the way, on the bottom of the app, you’ll find Todays Voice. It’s in Japanese letters though. Also, do you wondered where the ads is? It will not bother you because it is so small. You could find it in the bottom right corner of the application.

Kunti Wulandari:

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