Google Will Help You Find Your Toilet in India

One of the biggest apps of Google is the Google Maps. The Apps that can help you to go wherever you want. Of course there are other Map apps that can be downloaded, but nothing beats google. Its fast updates, its easy to use navigation and of course it is free to boot. In India however if you want to go, and need to go fast. Just use google Maps. Google Maps will help you find toilet in India. Officially release in Delhi, India one week ago, it is now one of the best feature for those in India.

In India, toilet is very scarce, and even if you found one there is bound to be a catch, either it is very dirty, or it is not usable. Which is why, the apps is really worth it there. The apps now will only gives you the direction of the nearest toilet, but as the time goes by there will be a user review and a stars based on the people that used the toilet.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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