New Emojis that Maybe You Don’t Know

New Emojis that Maybe You Don’t Know


Emojis has always been connected to software update. YES! The constant update that has been very annoying to us for the Android Users. Which is why only 4% of Android users can see these. There are also the matter which an Android users can’t update their software because of their phone specification is lower than the needed specification, especially on the older type of phone.

So, you might think, why should i care? Why should we updated our phone just to get the stupid emojis? Well, you don’t actually, but if yourself is not using it. Doesn’t mean that other won’t. Especially if the emojis updated is more diverse and more awesome than the previous made emojis. (Well, nothing can beat the poop emojis though.) That is why, beside fixing your phone, or making your phone feel like brand new, by using software update. It will give you additional emojis that will definitely make your life much more cooler. Imagine, you yourself using an Emojis that only 4% of android users have seen.

iOS on the other hand, had made a pretty good job, in giving out the update information for the users. Which is something that the android developer / maker can learn from…

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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