Connect with Your Friends and Family in VR!

Early January, the emergence of Virtual reality Social media has been going off like a bomb. People had been very excited after hearing about this. For the past few weeks, Facebook has been showing off its virtual reality  technology in various place across the country.

Stated by Mark Zuckerberg “The idea is that virtual reality puts people first. It’s all about who you’re with. Once you’re in there, you can do anything you want together — travel to Mars, play games, fight with swords, watch movies or teleport home to see your family. You have an environment where you can experience anything.”

Currently available for Gear VR users, The Oculus Room bring you the same virtual experience that you will get with the Oculus rift. You will be in an Apartment room with some option. Then when you want to go to explore the Social media simply select the Party option and you’re brought into a new virtual space with three distinct areas. Of course it is not perfect yet, but it’s a start. 10 years ago, when the matrix movies comes out, it is just regarded as sci-fi things that only exist in a movie. Now, look at how far we have come!

Source : The Verge

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