Wrike App Review – Project Management Software That Makes A Difference

Project management, or managing team projects, doesn’t need to be a complicated thing now. Especially when you have one of the project management tools that can make everything a whole lot simpler. One of the best cloud based project management software that is available to be used wherever you want is Wrike.

In the past, I have had trouble managing our project. There are so may things that needed to be done and it could be pretty challenging if you need to coordinate with others using only email. The team members that aren’t paying attention to their email might not be able to understand, and important messages might be buried in an overstuffed inbox.

Wrike is one of the best apps for task management online. Why? First of all, it is cross platform, so you could access your task in your computer, laptop, tablet, iPhone, Android phone, wherever you want.

If you are using computer, you just need to open your browser, type in the address and sign in with your already registered account (simple right?). If you are using your mobile phone, either Android or iPhone, you download it from the iTunes store or Google Play store for free! (Of course there is additional pricing for you if you have a bigger team, and there is a 14-day free trial. So don’t worry.)

Second, Wrike has a lot of features built into it that will help you manage your projects. It is a time tracking software for project management. You can create, assign, and schedule a task to your team members easily. Discuss your work with your team in the comments section. Because it is a timeline maker, you can see your teams project timeline and adjust it easily with just a few taps. Attach images easily by using your phone media, Google Drive or Dropbox.

Another feature that Wrike excel above other is it can manage and organize your tasks neatly. Usually in one group, as a team leader you will need to assign each task based on each member’s abilities and all, and it could be pretty confusing if the task assigned is not organized neatly. With Wrike you could always organize each task on each division based on Colors or Folders. It also has critical path scheduling so you can see the amount of time needed between critical tasks in the project.

How To Use Wrike?

First, you just need to download the Wrike app, and then install it. After installing, click on the apps and you will need to sign up. You could either sign up using Gmail, Microsoft 365 or create a new account on the website. It is a pretty easy process and the process won’t even take 10 minutes of your life.

After Login, you will notice 4 tabs, Inbox which gives you a notification each time you have a comment mention with your names, a task that is assigned to you for that day, or your teams activities.

My work will have all the work assigned to you on that day, you can also check all the tasks that have been completed and the jobs that can be completed later on. For easy finish, just swipe right to complete the task, and swipe left to do the task later.

Browse is a tab that will let you see your team folders and work projects that are assigned to you in full detail. Other teams can also invite you to be a part of their team without having you leaving your original team.

Dashboard gives you a general idea of what you need to do, what has been completed, and what is on hold for you.

Honestly, the first time I used Wrike, I had a really hard time finding out what to do, but the customer service that is available on Wrike.com is really polite and very helpful. There are also a lot of video tutorials that are pretty helpful on their website.

Tips : For those that might not know, you can share folders or keep them private even within your team. See the image below:


Notice that Roonby.com is not shared to anyone except yourself. So only you could access the folder.

In the Article Folder, notice that there are 4 shared users. It means that there are 4 users that could access the folder besides you as the owner.

In the Design Folder, notice that there are only 2 shared users. It means that there are only 2 users that could access the folder besides you as the owner.

This function is pretty helpful if you want to have the teams focus on ones in secrets, or when you are managing a different teams. To do this, see the image below:

Start in your original folder which contains all the teams. Click the 3 dots on the top right, and tap on the share folder. Choose only your email address and voila. That folder will not be shared to others.

For the other folder. Click the 3 dots on the top right, and tap the share folder, choose your teams that you wanted to assign, and done!

Wrike has been around since 2006 and has been one of the best project management apps that you could ask for. For more information on wrike, you could visit their website here.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!


Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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