Alive in Shelter Game Review – Your Job is to Stay Alive Until then…..

Alive in Shelter Game Review – Your Job is to Stay Alive Until then…..

Alive in Shelter Game Review

Over the past few years, many mobile games have been developing more and more. Of course, that’s means there are more games to play, but sometimes we find more bad games than the good ones. Which is why you need someone to gives you a review for the games that you wanted to play. If you are looking for a casual games then Alive in Shelter is one of your choices.


☢ Will you Survive? Will you kill your family? Survive in underground shelter! Game inspired by “60seconds!” Apocalypse is there! Fill your bunker using useful stuff which will help you survive! The best shelter simulator!

☢ You have only few seconds (not 60 seconds, not 30 seconds but 15 or 23!) to collect as many useful stuff to you shelter then you have to go exploring wasteland for items or use crafting. Your every underground room hides useful devices and items.

☢ Many creepy and mysterious things will try to affect your post-nuclear life. Maybe it is good?… Anyway, try to protect your family and keep your body condition in good state. Safety is number one!

☢ Remember to have underground radio communication and something which can make light signal! Leave your door open when it is needed. And of course, try to survive, don’t let your characters die! Improve your bunker it is easier to survive 😉

☢ Fell the fear of nuclear war, make good decisions

If you have played the popular games on steam called 60s then you might found the similarity in it. This games adapt the same themes. In a post apocalyptic world, you are force to survive and to help your friends survive. You need to have a strategy to help your family survives.

First, you will need to collect a bunch of different items that will help you in your survival. Food for you to eat, water for you to drink, radio to help you see what kind of things that is happening outside and many more.

You will also need to go outside and venture to get bunch of items for your own survival, or trade for your survival. You will need to strategize when you will go out to venture, so that you will not get any radiation that will in the end kill you. Help will arive but you don’t know when it is. Your job is to stay alive until then.

Look interesting? Click the link below to download the game.

Note: click the ? button on your main menu for tutorial of the game. The only thing that is so frustrating for this game is the non existent tutorial.

Jay: A Content writer for Contact me on, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.