Face App Review: Meet Your Future Face!

Face App – App Review
Taking a selfie is one of our everyday things to do nowadays. If you have a perfect day with a perfect hair, of course you will want to have a picture to remember it or just for sharing. However, have you ever wondered what yourself be if you are the older version of yourself, or if you are a girl/a boy in a different dimension?
There are a tons of app that is available on either Google Play Store or iTunes Store for you to download, but the best is probably the recent one called Face App
Transform your face using Artificial Intelligence in just one tap!
– Add beautiful smile
– Get younger or older
– Become more attractive
– Change gender
The app (Face App), is an app that can change your face to your past self, future self, or (in a different dimension) your different gender. It is a fun app that even Dan and Phil from YouTube use it in their recent videos. In which Dan got excited in screams in the videos (Watch it).
The App uses a leveraging the power of neural networks; sending images to the cloud to transform them after that deleted them in the cloud to save the privacy of its users. It is a great app if you wanted to have some fun with your friends or if you just wanted to see what you look like.
If you are interested in downloading the apps, then click the link below.
Face App ReviewSelfie Apps