Office Space: Idle Profits Game Review – Fight for Your Job!

Office Space: Idle Profits Game Review

Office space is an all time movie from the 90s. It is about a company workers that hates his job. It is a perfect classic office comedy for adults and young adults, and now the popular film has made its way into the business game called Office Space: Idle Profit.


You are a disgruntled employee at Initech and layoffs are imminent. You need a plan to get back at the company, big time. Team up with Peter, Samir, and Michael to install a virus in the company’s mainframe that will siphon undetectable pennies out of each department and place it in your own retirement account. It’s basically the plot to Superman 3.

If you’re successful, you and your friends will be rich, and when Lumbergh discovers that the money is missing, he’ll look like a fool. But first, you’ll have to start at the basement…

The game uses the same setting as the movie. You work at Initech with the same boss ‘Lumbergh’ and your goal is to team up with Peter, Samir, and Michael to install the virus that will make you rich in no time. In this game, you will be able to see bunch of different cut scene that has the similar feel to the original movie. Of course in animated style.

The game play is similar to other idle clicker type of game. You could either wait for your money to come, or click like a madman to make your money come faster. Aside from that, you could also assign the character of the movie to increase your money production in the game.

The Character in the movie can be recruit by buying, or waiting 6 hours to get the free stuff. However, i think it is pretty boring in a long run. Which is why i don’t really recommend you to play it, but if you are interested in it. Click the link below to download it.

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