Trailer Park Boys: Grease Money Strategy, Tips, and Tricks

Trailer Park Boys: Grease Money Strategy, Tips, and Tricks

The recent review Trailer Park Boys: Grease Money is here if you haven’t seen it. Today, we will give you some of the tips and tricks + strategy that can help you play the game. Check it out!

1. Basics

Before starting the tips and tricks session, You need to know the basic of the game. Especially if you just play the game.

  • The game is broken down to season. Each season, you will need to complete a series of objectives. After that, You will be able to compete in a boss fight. After finishing the boss, you will go to jail or in short, everything will be confiscated and you will need to start over, your business and such, but don’t worry, every upgrade and things that you have unlocked in the previous season. Will still be available in the next season.
  • There are 3 currency that you will be able to use in the game, the usual money that can be use to upgrade things, Liquor that can be use to buy and upgrades things and Hash Coins which is like diamond in the other games that is usually hard to find, especially if you are a free user.

2. Tips and Tricks

  • To get a liquor easily without spending a dime is to get more customer. Every time you fill up the green bar by the sign you will get other rewards like card packs and other stuff too
  • Click only if you really need the money. You only need money at the start of each season or at the start of your games. Don’t hurt your thumb for a lil penny.
  • Upgrades your stuff. There will be times where you need to upgrades your building or character as your objectives, and you need to complete them to finish that seasons, but it is okay to upgrades your character or building if you can. With it, you will be able to advance and get more rewards with the upgrades, and you will be able to advance more easily too in a late game.
  • Every time you bring more customers to a business, the customer gauge fills up. Once the green bar fills up the way, the business will temporarily improve its money generating rate and most importantly you’ll get bonus items. You can get liquor, character cards, business cards, and more from these bonus items. You can get about three or four bonus items per business.

There you have it. We have given out some of the tips and tricks that will help you play the game. If you have any other tips and tricks that you have found, then you are free to share it in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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