Gridalis – Explore Your Area and Hunt Bunch of Monster

Gridalis – Explore Your Area and Hunt Bunch of Monster

There are a reason why, we play a games. Maybe, it is because we are charmed by the idea of a fantasy world. Where magic and swords clash together. The romance, fantasy and many mores is what trap us into playing the games. Today, we will give you a new games that will not only let you play but will make you move as well. Gridalis!


A free procedurally-generated GPS-based RPG! The King disappeared, and darkness is consuming the world. Enter the world of Gridalis and become the hero of the monster world!

Move in the real world to explore the many different regions areas and delve into the dungeons to find powerful monsters and items in your quest to save the world of Gridalis. Power up and learn new spells, or craft your own items, weapons and armors to be ready for the challenges that awaits you!

Gridalis is a free RPG games that use your GPS to locate yourself. Similar but not the same to the famous Pokemon GO. Gridalis make use of your area as a Dungeon. Each dungeon will have bunch of floor and ratings. From the easiest dungeon to the hardest dungeon.

You will need to explore your area to unlock a different dungeon. When i say explore it is literally exploring by using your own 2 feet to walk around the area. After finishing the dungeon you will get some bonus like crystal or orb boost.

Gridalis didn’t have a store system, but in exchange you can temper, make, create, synthesize all your character equipment from weapons, armor and accessories. There are also a spell system in this game, but the game didn’t implement the MP settings / Mana Points, but uses an orbs to cast the spell, each jobs has different orbs count, the orb count can be increase by each lvl or dungeon clear.

Are you interested in the game? If you are, you could download it in the link below.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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